Walking with God

The Seven Weeks of Easter During a Pandemic: A Series

The Seven Weeks of Easter During a Pandemic: A Series

Did you know that Easter traditionally is celebrated in the liturgical calendar for seven weeks? It all culminates on Pentecost, which this year is May 31st, 2020.

So in keeping with this amazing season our team member Stephen Carter has given us some great reflections. We will post these throughout the week leading up to the last Feast of Easter, Pentecost. Take it away Stephen!

Doug's Story: A Pilot's Calling

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 Think of the character and identity of God. Think of what he is able to do and the scope of his desires. God’s image is reflected in every human being ever born.

Dawn and the Hunt

I don’t get up at 6:00am. I never get up at 6:00am. I make software for a living and one of the reasons I chose that career was because it never ever requires me to get up at 6:00am. But there I was rubbing my eyes and envying my still-snoozing wife. Dressing in the near dark, layering fleece over flannel over cotton and hoping that it would be enough in the frigid November air, I fought against the bulk as I stretched to tie my shoes.

Losing It Together And Finding Life

Life just hasn’t turned out the way I had hoped.” I have heard that from several people lately, often in conversations with friends once the chitchat and small talk turns to deeper things of the heart.We all have dreams, aspirations and hopes. We keep going through disappointments and detours. Think of all the things you set out to do all those years back as a little child. You were going to save the world with a cape and some spidey underwear, the outlaws were going to fear you as you rode into town with your mighty posse.

Be Ready In Season and Out...And in the Weirdest Places

Paul is telling Timothy what he needs to know and says "...be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction." (NIV 2Tim 4:2) It's a verse I've heard many times of course but this last week was, for me, a pretty extreme example of its reality and application. I was on the road to San Francisco…

Head In The Clouds

I like clouds a lot and God the Father knows this. It is sort of hard to fathom why the creator of the universe cares that much about "our details" but he does. He knows our likes and loves and he often meets us on that level. In the same way, He cares about all the rest too. The good, the bad and the ugly. He wants us to invite him into all those areas.Do you want exposure to eternal things? If you don't get anything else from this story, get this...we can invite God into all of "our details."

Praying Gnomes Changed My Life

What I am about to share could happen to any of us. And does! In fact, I share life with a lot of people who have these kinds of 'God experiences' on a regular basis… and it is a completely normal experience. Yes, I use the word normal, though it is a hidden normal. Veiled in plain sight…