
Head In The Clouds

I like clouds a lot and God the Father knows this. It is sort of hard to fathom why the creator of the universe cares that much about "our details" but he does. He knows our likes and loves and he often meets us on that level. In the same way, He cares about all the rest too. The good, the bad and the ugly. He wants us to invite him into all those areas.Do you want exposure to eternal things? If you don't get anything else from this story, get this...we can invite God into all of "our details."

To Our Fellow Knights

To our Fellow Knights, 'Tis the season to be jolly...and we pray that this is true for you and your family. At the same time we cannot forget that a war rages around us especially during the time when we are worshipping the birth of our savior. Is it any surprise how the enemy hates Christmas, Bethlehem and anything that reminds him that he has lost and Christ has won?